Real Disease / Stupid Name

I just got back from the doctor.  It turns our I have a real disease, but it has a stupid name. Really?  What is it?
Chronic Dry Eye.  Yeah, I wouldn't tell anyone.

I know. Nearly every person in the country suffers from Chronic Dry Eye. Somehow I managed to get such a whopping bad case of it that I had to go to the doctor on Monday. The assistant winced when she looked at me. Her comment was that it is easy to forget how painful and debilitating this condition can be.

Now I am on a two week course of steroids. I was curious if steroid drops would make you hungry like pills can do. I’m gonna say “yes”. Yes, its the steroids and not boredom or social isolation.

Actually Mom, I am hungry even more often than you.

On one paw, Toby hasn’t minded me eating more often because he gets to screen my meals for content. On the other paw, he is ticked that the goop I have to put in my eyes means that sometimes I can’t see him clearly and step on the fur of his tail.

Young cairn terrier looking over his shoulder.

You expect me to believe that is by accident?

Despite what you claim, I do not blend in with the carpet!!


Well, my boys are en route to New York where they will get to sniff and play in another museum. The director has agreed to look at the book to see if it might be suitable for their gift shop or one of their special programs.

Cover of the book Dream Our World

Dream Our World is available from my store and at Amazon.