
Oh good heavens, please tell me that's not what I think it is.  It sounds like you're dropping basalt.


Maybe you could use some more fiber in your diet.  I've been eating pumpkin wit my kibble, and it really helps.


You mean the pumpkin from the freezer?  But mommy froze that for me! Oh come on, there is enough pumpkin for all of us.


What?!  You've been eating my pumpkin too?  Why I oughta...


Pumpkin! Pumpkin! Pumpkin!

Last year I got at least 20 pumpkins from the garden. Trust me, there’s enough for all my guys.


ASL Alien Hand Pillow with Galaxies


Puppies, tell your moms how much you love them with this novelty Alien Hand Pillow. As with most aliens, this one conveniently speaks an earth language, saying “I love you” in ASL/American Sign Language.

This Alien Hand Pillow, along with many other fine gifts, is available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Hairy Pawter

Christmas Puppy insisted that he could adapt to any holiday if given the chance.

He may think he’s good at posing with a pumpkin, but no one is as good as I am!


Perhaps this quilt is for you? Information about size and pricing as well as details of construction are available here at L Bowman Studios.

Teach the little ones who they are and why they are loved.

Deer Spray

Phew!  i accidentally got some of this stinky deer spray on myself!  How can you tell?  'Cause she smells better than usual!


Worth it! Totally!

This Bitey Dog, of course, was contributed by family (but I can’t boot them in the butt, so I drew this instead.).

What can I say? I call them like I smell them.


Dream Our World


Join Bitey and Toby in Dream Our World as they visit the museum of their dreams and view the world of art from a canine perspective.

Dream Our World, and other fine gifts, can be found in my shop at L Bowman Studios.


Alert ears heard that an official from Rancho Cucamonga helped to broker a sister city agreement between a nearby town in California and the Hindu nation of Kailaasa.

*Image borrowed from the internet*

People in my state would never do something that silly. Oh wait…

Tony DeLuca, a longtime Pennsylvania representative, was re-elected despite having died in October after a battle with lymphoma. Photograph: Rep. Anthony DeLuca facebook page

Not just re-elected. Re-elected by a landslide.

Mom, can we have a sister? And not the Hindu rapist kind. No, more like a Bichon. Or a Sheltie!

Geordie had a thing for Shelties. I like all girls!


Dream Our World

Come have more fun with my boys at the Museum of the Imagination in Dream Our World. Inside they enjoy a day of unsupervised fun as they explore the world of art from a canine perspective (including naughty pictures of near-naked poodles!).

Dream Our World and other fine gifts are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Toxic Rain

Ooh, look. Two tails! Is rain supposed to be green? I don't remember carrots having eyes.

Yeah, we live kind of close to East Palestine.

I like my tail, but I’m happy with just one.


Would like to have a picture of your evil, bitey monster (or very sweet monster)? Then visit my site L Bowman Studios. Pet portraits make great birthday gifts as well as loving tributes to a loved one who has passed.

Information about sizing and pricing are available on the Pet Portraits page.

The Watermelon

Whoa, what's that? Go tell Geordie I got us a watermelon.
I meant go TO Geordie and tell him.
Geordie, mommy got us a...a...
Now what the devil was that thing called? Oh yeah.....
Mommy got us a Meldahelda!
I never know what that boy is barking about.

The tag on the plant said that the melons would grow to 20 lbs.

Mine were maybe 5 lbs.

In real life this is a story about my brother. Ever since the incident, meldahelda has been our family word for watermelon.

Why do you go dragging me into this nonsense?

I wasn’t even alive when “meldahelda” happened.


Dream Our World

Find out what other nonsense my boys have been up to. In Dream Our World you can go with them to the Museum of the Imagination while viewing art from a canine perspective and enjoying a day or unsupervised fun.

You can find Dream Our World and other fine gifts at my shop at L Bowman Studios.

The New Restaurant

It is a dark time. Across the state, businesses have been shut down for want of customers. So many restaurants have closed that underground, speakeasy-style eateries have popped up away from the watchful eyes of health department.

The boys’ beloved Sniff City has become….(Dun…dun…duhhhhn)… Hellmont.

My idea is better. No MINE is! Mom!!
Which of us has the best name for our new restaurant?
My idea's the best. It's the Diarrhea Trattoria!
Wait, does this place serve or cause diarrhea? Your choice! Oh dear, are those raisins and Tootsie Rolls on the bar? Well, at one time...
Forget about him. It's my idea that's the best.
It's the Copra...CopraphaGIa! The hottest spot for diarrhea! At the Copra,CopraphaGIa..Poopin' and noshin' are always in fahshion...Fashion? Yes, dahling...
Do you really think anyone will want to eat here? How is your dessert menu? Do you serve Poopsicles or Fudge Dragons? I'd like a meal to help me clear a room. I need assistance with my abstract expressionism.

Not that dogs eat poo or anything…

Well, only if it’s there.


Chewy has been rewarding customers with surprise paintings of their beloved pets. So many people would like to request having a portrait of their pets done, yet Chewy does not put them in touch with staff artists. If you would like a similar but legally distinct picture of your beloved pet, come visit my shop at L. Bowman Studios.

Black Pearls

What the heck, Toby. You must have swallowed one of my hairs. It's like a string of black pearls back here. This wouldn't happen if you didnt eat off the floor.
This wouldn't happen if you ran the vacuum more often!

But Toby, you hate the vacuum!

Back end of Cairn terrier sticks out from under the bed.

I know….


Visit my shop to see the new collection of men’s hand knit cardigans and pullovers. Each one is knit with care of unbelievably soft merino merino/alpaca/tweed yarns. There are a variety of colors and sizes available.


Come with my boys as they visit the museum of their dreams in Dream Our World.

Cover of the book Dream Our World

This is an incredibly fun book enjoyed by readers of all ages. Inside Geordie and Toby view the world of art from a canine perspective while enjoying a day of unsupervised fun.

Dream Our World is available from my store and from Amazon.

Chia Pet

What's that, Geordie? Did you get a chia pet? No, Toby rolled in the grass after his bath.

I think the grass was extremely happy that Toby did that.  It was the most moisture it had experienced in months.

When I went to wash Toby’s behind in the tub, he howled.  Ha!  I wonder what was up with that?

Little Cairn terrier.

What do you think was up?  Nothing but my girlfriend’s nose is supposed to go there!!


Come with my boys on a visit to the Museum of the Imagination in Dream Our World.  There you can experience the world of art from a canine perspective and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun!

Cover of the book Dream Our World

Dream Our World is available from my shop and from Amazon.


Those Dreaded “T” Words

Picture of a tick, a check mark and a watch

After a walk through a field with Toby, I checked my puppy to make sure he had no fur hitchhikers.  That afternoon, just to be safe, I checked him again.  In case there might be any late biters, that evening I checked him again.

I have to say that by the end of the day, he was really ticked with me.

Don't worry, Mom. I'll help.

For heaven’s sake, quit using me as a prop in your lame stories.


Toby, like most pets, is loving this lock down….his grandparents, not so much.  So far, they have had their water filter break, the microwave break and a drain back up.

On top of these things, they are seriously not liking the new mask rules.  My Mom is severely claustrophobic and won’t go anywhere they are required.  Both of my parents are hard of hearing (age related).  Not only are they having trouble hearing people, they can’t lip read with everyone’s faces covered.

What a strange world we find ourselves in.


Do you need a birthday present for someone but can’t get out to shop?  Then send your special someone a copy of Dream Our World!

Dream Our World is filled with sweet puppies, historical art references and is peppered with liberal amounts of humor.

Cover of the book Dream Our World

Dream Our World is available from Amazon.