What Are You?

So, what are you?  What do you mean?  I'm a dog, same as you.


No, what kind of dog?  Like, we're both Cairn terriers.


I'm sorry.  As the rescuers were pulling me out of that hoarder's house, they neglected to ask who my parents were.  I really don't know who or what I am.


I guess you're just our little brother.



So far…..


I guess Murphy’s uncle got tired of everyone speculating about what kind of dog Murphy is and sent us this.


To me, Murphy resembles an Australian Terrier.

My mom thinks he looks like a Norfolk Terrier.

Google thinks he looks like a Yorkie.

I guess we’ll find out in a couple of weeks if any of us guessed right.

Where’s Mom?

Have either of you seen mom lately? Now that you mention it, no. Can't say that I have either.


Maybe we should check in here.


Holy crap, what happened to you? Yikes. Isn't that what she always looks like?


You mean that’s not what you always look like?

I didn’t realize. I haven’t known you that long.


6 weeks on steroids +1 new medication + < supplement – 7 vials of blood = I guess we’ll find out!


Dream Our World

Join Bitey and Toby in some mischief before Murphy arrived when you pick up a copy of Dream Our World. Inside Geordie and Toby view the world of art from a canine perspective and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun!

Dream Our World, and other fine gifts, can be found at my shop at L Bowman Studios.


You guys sure this is OK? Positive. Mom appreciates it when we get our own snacks so she doesn't have to stop what she's doing.


Murphy, what's gotten into you? You guys are such jerks!


Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh my gosh, you're right. Having a little brother IS the best!


This week, I heard a terrible crash and found Murphy on top of his kennel. In real life all I did was laugh and tell him to get down. I didn’t want him helping himself to his treats, but at the same time I was so happy to see him confident enough to get in trouble.


You’re not really mad at me, are you?


(This is one of the early pictures I took of Murphy. Back then he always looked so frightened. )


Dream Our World

Join Bitey and Toby in some mischief before Murphy arrived when you pick up a copy of Dream Our World. Inside Geordie and Toby view the world of art from a canine perspective and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun!

Dream Our World, and other fine gifts, can be found at my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Boing Boing Boing


Ack! Yeah, that's why we don't jump for our supper. Plus the food doesn't get there any faster.


So I fell in my water dish. So what?

I know we’re supposed to teach our dogs to wait quietly for their meals, but honestly it is so nice to see him excited.


Dream Our World

Find out what Bitey and Toby liked to do before Murphy joined them. In Dream Our World, come with them to the Museum of the Imagination where they view the world of art from a canine perspective and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun.

Dream Our World, and other fine gifts, are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Murphy’s Tale Goes On

So, would you like eto go for a walk or something? If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to stay indoors.


Oh that's right. You spent your whole life in a cage. You probably don't feel comfortable outside. Actually, I didn't live my whole life in that cage. The rescue thought I did, and that's what they told mom.


You didn't? Then where did you live? At first, I lived in a really nice house like you have.


My mpmmy was an older lady, and I'm pretty sure I remember a kitty cat at our house. I used to have a bed of my own, but at night I woiuld sleep in the big bed and snuggle under the covers with our mom.


Sh used to hold my treats between her index finger and thumb as she handed them to me.


Since mommy was older, I didn't get out much. Still, life was happy until that one fateful day....


Oh no! What happened? I don't know for sure because nobody tells the pets, but one day mommy wasn't there anymore. People put us furs in cages and took us away. I ended up at the hoarder's house. I don't know where the others went.


Is that where your tail got hurt? Did they break your tail? Nah, I'm OK. It's just that my tail is pretty long. When I was confined, I sat on it too much and made it bend kind of funny.


Dang, this guy makes me feel like the most spoiled dog in the world. I hate to say it, but even i am starting to like him.


At first, I just thought this was a cute picture, but when I looked at it closer, I could see that Murphy was lost in thought. I know he remembers his first family. I feel so bad that he misses them. All I can do is surround him with love and make sure that he builds tons of happy memories from now on.

I remember….

Easter Shopping

Look!  Mommy is home from the store.  Let's help her put the groceries away.


Oh boy! Eggs, mustard and minty mouthwash!  This family sure celebrates Easter in a weird way.


After looking at my shopping cart compared to everyone else’s, I could just picture the disappointment on my pups’ faces.


I’m not disappointed. I’ll eat anything…including the shopping cart!


Handmade cross stitched patchwork hearts acrylic coaster set.
These hand-stitched, heavyweight acrylic, Patchwork Heart Coasters can also double as paperweights for your office. Their versatility and charm will make them welcome wherever you place them.

Hexagonal acrylic coasters have a rounded center area large enough to accommodate a glass or mug. Inside of the paperweight/coaster a colorful patchwork heart is nestled. The back has a circular cork pad to keep the coaster securely in place on your table or desk.

Patchwork Heart Coasters, and other fine gifts, are available from my shop at L Bowman studios.

Murphy’s Tale

Hey New Guy, why are you so skinny? Are you sick or something? He's not really that skinny, it's just that next to you everyone seems small.




I actually look much better now. The last family I lived with nearly starved me to death.


What do you mean "last family"? How can you have more than one family? Not all dogs are lucky enough to live their whole lives in one home.


What happened? Well, there were over a hundred of us in this house.....


How is that even possible? Where did you sleep? Did you all pile on the Big Bed?


No, most of us were put in kennels and forgotten. Some were chained outside in the bitter cold to freeze. Inside, our kennels were stacked from the floor to the ceiling. They couldn't reach most of us, so we had to sit in our own waste day after day as we starved.


I was so homesick. I missed my mom and cried and cried until I ran out of tears.


Just when most of us had given up hope, strangers with trucks and vans and cars came. They took our captors away, then started hauling the kennels out. They didn'tknow our names, so they called us by whatever number we were as they pulled us out.


How could someone not like this guy? He's so sweet? I don't like this guy. He's too sweet.


Am I too sweet?


Cute, funny, stubborn....always the smartest one in the room.  If you have a Scottie dog, you can't help but love them.  Their shaggy black coats and bright sparkling eyes always bring a smile to your face.

This white cotton hankie has a handsome black Scottie dog painstakingly hand painted in one corner. Around the puppy's neck is a red ribbon tied in a festive bow.  He - or she - is ready to accompany you on all your adventures, tucked neatly away in a pocket or purse.

Perfect for cold season, allergy season, or for the Scottie dog lover in your life, these hand painted hankies send wishes for good health to whoever use them.

This Hand Painted Scottie Dog Handkerchief, and other fine gifts, are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Find It

Hey new guy, wanna play a game? Sure. How do you play? You close your eyes and wait while I hide a biscuit. Then I'll all you, and you sniff till you find it. OK!


You're going to eat that whole box yourself, aren't you? Heck Yeah. Kidney Krisps are my favorite.


After all, what's he going to do about it?


Aw come on. Just give me the biscuit already!

I originally taught this game to Geordie. When Toby came along, I was worried that Geordie would understand the game better and get to the treats before Toby had a chance. Not. Toby caught on very quickly, and by Day 3 he was not only finding his biscuit but he was getting Geordie’s as well.

Without another dog to teach Murphy, it took him a tiny bit longer to catch on, but now he is ready to play every day. He is getting so good that I’m struggling for challenging hiding places for his treats.


Handmade olive green tweed cardigan for men.


If the weather where you are is still wintry, you might consider adding this hand knit Olive Green Tweed Wool Cardigan to your wardrobe. Cheaper than heating the whole house, this cardigan will keep you cozy warm in any season. From the freezing temperatures of winter to the too-chilly air conditioner of summer, this silky soft merino and tweed cardigan will keep you just right.

This Handmade Olive Green Tweed Cardigan and other fine gifts are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.

Ringing In The New Year

So is that temporary or permanent?  TBD.

Oh what fun it is to still/again have Bell’s Palsy! 

I talked to two doctors. The first thought that I may not have cleared the Lyme’s disease that originally caused the Bell’s Palsy and that I needed more antibiotics. The second thought that I already cleared Lyme’s but am having lingering neurological effects from it (and I could be this way forever.) My original doctor only gave me a two week supply of antibiotics whereas the usual treatment for neurological Lyme’s is three weeks. To make sure I don’t have bacteria lingering inside me they gave me another three week course of antibiotics. Yay. Now I get to have an upset stomach and a fuzzy head for the rest of January.


No I’m not mocking you.Why?


Dream Our World

In Dream Our World, go with Bitey and Toby on a journey to the Museum of the Imagination where they view the world of art from a canine perspective and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun!

Dream Our World and other fine gifts are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.