Toby Goes to Walmart

Faith, Family Farts

It wasn’t me. The pumpkin tooted.

Totally unrelated to Toby’s tooting, I recently saw an ad for Windows 11 and thought I would read a little about it. Turns out that “older computers might not be compatible with the upgrade”. Oops, I guess you’ll just have to get a new computer. Hmmm, what genius came up with this idea? Electronics are about as rare as unicorns these days. Will new computers just float across the Pacific and land in our stores? With the cost of food and fuel skyrocketing, who has hundreds or thousands to shell out for a new computer?

In my neighborhood, you can’t find canned pumpkin. The only vegetable in the store freezers is broccoli. A neighbor is trying to get his lawn mower fixed, but he can’t due to a parts shortage. The last thing Americans need is to worry about a new computer. I’m more concerned about food…and toothpaste. (And kibble! – Toby)


Want to get your Christmas shopping done before there is nothing left to buy? Then come visit my store at L Bowman Studios. There are gifts for the whole family – in stock – ready to buy!

Sign of the Times


Beware! Guard Cairn Terrier On Duty

For some reason, this makes me laugh.

(This was the work of the little one.)


To read more of Bitey’s adventures before the sign-chewing Usurper came along, pick up a copy of A Tired Mommy Is a Good Mommy.  It is available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.


Bitey and his new usurping little brother will soon be starring in the illustrated Poopiter.  I made some corrections to the manuscript this morning and sent it off this afternoon.  If the proof comes back OK, it will be ready for publishing possibly this week.  Stop by often for updates on the book’s progress!