The Anniversary

Today is Geordie’s Heaven birthday. Does it seem like just yesterday that he went Home, or was it forever ago? I can’t remember. – Toby


Perhaps this quilt is for you? Information about size and pricing as well as details of construction are available here at L Bowman Studios.

Teach the little ones who they are and that they are loved.


If vampires ean an exclusively liquid diet, would they ever poop? I don't know. I guess you'll have to ask one.


Yet another profound question I have, and you are absolutely no help.

Toby has altogether too much time on his hands. Um, paws.

Why, what do you want me to think about?


Dream Our World

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of Dream Our World. Inside, Bitey and Toby explore the museum of their dreams and enjoy a day of unsupervised fun! (Dream Our World is also available through your local library’s Inter-Library Loan System.)

Dream Our World and other fine gifts are available from my shop at L Bowman Studios.


I ate my dinner off a contemplate last night. What did you think of it? Ba-dum-bum.

The grip on sanity around here is loose these days.

IMG_0259 - Copy

Am I really stuck in the house with

this crazy woman all summer?


There is still time to order pet portraits for the holidays.  What a beautiful way to keep memories of the ones you love around you forever.

Oil painting of Westie puppy.

Oil painting of Westie puppy.

Visit my website L Bowman Studios for more information about placing an order and pricing.


Of Clowns and Purslane

Picture of clown

Ecch!  What happened to you?  I think I'm allergic to purslane.

Little dog sits on chair and writes in his diary.

Dear Diary, It would appear that purslane turns humans into clowns.  Perhaps a more aggressive program of weed eradication may have saved the children of Derry from being pulled into the sewers.

Dear Diary,

It would appear that purslane turns humans into clowns.  Perhaps a more aggressive program of weed eradication might have saved the children of Derry from being pulled into the sewers…

See the source image

Purslane.  (Not my image.)

An innocent afternoon of pulling weeds has left me with eyes itchy and swollen shut.  This weed is still a mystery to me.  It doesn’t flower, so pollen isn’t the problem.  It seems that if it touches my skin, my face swells.  I wear gloves to weed, but the coating on the gloves cracked, and I guess I got a dose of plant ichor.

For the next few days I had best not carry balloons lest the children of the neighborhood run in terror from me.


Memory quilt near window

close up of memory quilt

Speaking of quilts…

After my grandmother passed away, I asked for her nightgowns.  I used them to make the hearts on a series of Memory Quilts that I shared with various family members.


If you would like to have a quilt that I have made – this one perhaps? – I now have checkout at my website!

Madison House wall hanging sized quilt.

This Madison House Quilt is 41″ square.  It is made of three layers of 100% cotton with the quilting and binding done by hand.  You can see more by clicking here.



Kick Your Butt


By the time this knee heals, I am going to need a waleker.  Aren't you that old already?

You are lucky I can't balance on one leg or I'd kick your butt!

Bad news, Toby.  I can balance on one leg now!

Go away. I'm sleeping.

We both know you’d never kick my butt.

I can get away with anything.


Governor Groundhog stuck his head out of his den and declared that our quarantine will continue for another three months.  That means Bitey and Toby will have free rein at the museum for the whole summer!

Cover of the book Dream Our World

If you would like to see what they have been up to there, pick up a copy of Dream Our World.  In Dream Our World, Bitey and Toby visit the Museum of the Imagination and view the world of art from a canine perspective.




Still remembering the fall…I am so down. Without being able to walk, I can't sleep; my appetite is off; I can't even draw.

Why don't you take a nice relaxing bath? That will make you feel better.

My legs won't bend enough so I can't even do that! I need one of those old lady tubs with the door in the side.

Whaaaaa!!!! So, do you think she will start hawking Vitameatavegamin next or stuffing her blouse with chocolates? I am hoping for the chocolates, myself.

(It was the chocolates.)


If you have someone in your life who could use a big “Thank You”,  consider giving them one of these thoughtful hand-painted hankies.  Not only are they reusable and eco-friendly, they are also topical.

Hankies are $8.00+shipping.  You can contact me about them here or at my website L Bowman Studios.

Amish Shoes

I can't believe I bought these shoes! Sure they are comfortable, but the are so unattractive. They are positively Amish!

Toby says, "Don't be silly, Mommy. Amish ladies wouldn't be caught dead in those shoes.

Woman cries, "Waaahhhh!!!" Little puppy says, "Sheesh, there is simply no consoling some people!"

Yes, I really did buy the “Amish” shoes.  They are about as stylish as bowling shoes, but boy are they comfy!  My approach to fashion is to pretend it is the 90’s and that clunky unattractive shoes go with everything – including dresses.

Toby has an easy solution for any shoes he doesn’t like; he chews them up.  Sadly, that is his treatment for those that he does as well.




Angelfish Tattoo


Look! Being ni the sun has caused me to freckle in the shape of an angel fish!

Yeah, right. "Freckles". Liver spots...Nature's tattoos!

True story.  I really do have freckles (shut up, you two laughing dogs) in the shape of an angelfish on my arm.  I don’t have any tattoos, and I have wondered on occasion what I would get if I did get one.  I guess an angelfish is as nice of one as any!


To read about what life was like for Bitey before Toby came along, pick up a copy of:

Cover 8 (800x778)

A Tired Mommy Is a Good Mommy

Available at Amazon.